I have asked each one of my volunteers to fill out a short questionnaire, here are a few of their answers.
Name: Rebecca H.
Bike Make, Model, Yr & Size: Trek Madone 5.1 WSD 2008 52cm
How long have you been cycling? April, 2003 (5 years)
Do you do anything else such as swim, run, weight training, etc.?Yes, Golf, Tae-Bo & Softball
What motivated you to start cycling?I have always had a bike - since my first powder-blue, banana seat Schwinn, to my BMX dirt bike, to the obligatory Mtn bike in college and my first Trek road bike in 2003. I decided to start "cycling" because my brother had ridden for years and worked in a shop, and this really cute guy I met was also a cyclist. So I bought a bike from my brother and married the cute guy!
Why did you sign up for the Jack & Back?It's a rite of passage, I think, and the time had come! Also it seems the Jack & Back is the cycling event that non-cyclist are most familiar with, so it will garner me some street "cred" with some of my co-workers!
Do you have any goals for the J&B?(1) Finish (2) Not finish last (3) Not obsess about my avg speed
What is your avg ride like now? Not less than 17-20 miles, generally between 25-35 miles with a few 40-50 mile rides. Usually 14.5 mph, with a 16 mph all-time high. I try to ride no less than 2 times a week, ideally 3-4 times a week.
What is your longest distance ever ridden and when? 62.1 miles, 2007 3 State 3 Mountain Challenge, Chattanooga, TN - it was shockingly "easy" for that long of a ride!
Do you like to ride in a group or alone? Both. I get claustrophobic and uncomfortable in a pack, especially if I'm in the back of a big group. I also have difficulty maintaining a constant speed, so I'm often hanging out in no man's land - OTB of the fast group and just ahead of a slower group! I am finding that riding in a group does in fact increase my speed overall, but I also like being solitary and getting lost in my head while I ride.
Name: Cindy B.

Bike Make, Model, Yr & Size: 2007 Trek 1000 WSD, 57cm
How long have you been cycling: One year
Do you do anything else such as swim, run, weight training, etc.? No, but I should.
What motivated you to start cycling? A friend had been cycling for a couple of years and started talking to me about it. I had always loved riding a bike so it sounded like fun to me.
Why did you sign up for the J&B? I am a very "event oriented" person. To have a goal like the Jack & Back, motivates me to ride and train.
Do you have any goals for your cycling or for the J&B? I just want to get stronger; be able to get up those hills and still have breath at the top!
What is your avg ride like now? 20+ miles, 13-14 mph, 2x a week
What do you think your avg will be for the J&B? Day 1 13 Day 2 13
What has been your longest distance ever ridden and when? Jack & Back 150, October 2007
Do you like to ride in a group or alone? A group.
Name: Bev F.

Bike Make, Model, Yr & Size: 2007 Trek 1600 WSD
How long have you been cycling? Since 03/2008 on a road bike w/clipless pedals
Do you do anything else such as swim, run, weight training, etc.? Last winter I was going to the YMCA 3-4 times wk to do weights and cardio workouts like the elliptical, stationary bike, treadmill. Now I am cycling 4 times a week.
What motivated you to start cycling? I have always loved cycling, since I got my first bike at the age of 6. It's a great way to see new places, explore new roads and you can see, smell and hear so much more than when you are driving. I figured it would also get me in better shape.
Why did you sign up for the J&B? It's a win-win situation, it will keep me motivated through the hot summer to keep riding and setting new goals for my cycling and it's a good cause.
Do you have any specific goals for your cycling or for the J&B? I want to increase my avg sped to 15 mph this year and be able to ride longer distances - as for the Jack & Back, my hope (goal) is to finish!
What is your avg ride like now? 13-23 miles, 13.7 avg, 4 times a wk
What do you think your avg will be for the J&B? Day 1 14 mph Day 2 13 mph
What has been longest distance distance ever ridden? 40 miles, 3 weekends ago
What are your thoughts about participating in the J&B in general, any fears, anything you are particularly excited about? I am very excited - I have set a goal for myself and have 3 months to make sure I am in shape to accomplish it. I've never set such a lofty physical fitness goal for myself, I am anxious to prove I can do it. No real fears since I hear from lots of people who have previously participated that the ride is very well supported.
Name: Anna G. (soon Anna S.)

Bike Make, Model, Yr & Size: 2007 Trek 5000 54cm
How long have you been cycling? Jan. 2006
Do you do anything else such as swim, run, weight training, etc? Yes, I try to get 2 runs, 2 rides, 2 swims and 1 lift in each week. However, lately I have been running and riding more and not swimming as much.
What motivated you to start cycling? I seriously sprained my ankle and could not run for a couple of months, so I began spinning which led to me wanting to ride outside.
Why did you sign up for the J&B?My bike team was going to be part of it.
Do you have any specific goals for your cycling or for the J&B? I would like to do a century. For the Jack & Back I would like to be able to avg. 17 mph.
What is your avg ride like now? 30 miles, 16 mph, 2-3 times a week
What do you think your avg will be for the J&B? Day 1 17mph Day 2 17mph
What has been your longest distance ever ridden? 62 miles, April 2008
Is there anything about cycling that intimidates you? I am not very technical, I need to learn how to ride curves and downhill better!